The Virtual Assistant Industry is alive and growing at a rapid rate. I know this as I have just returned from a two day Australian VA Conference in Sydney. This was the fourth annual conference, but the first time it was held outside Melbourne, and it drew International delegates and speakers.
The event was a great opportunity to meet other VAs that I would have only previously interacted with online. We shared ideas, compared notes and more importantly worked on concepts to enhance grow within the Australian VA Industry. The support and expertise that a VA can bring to a business is often invaluable, but to hear that Australian businesses don’t realise highly skilled and affordable VA’s within our own shores is very disheartening.
But working on expanding and increased awareness is not the only topic that was discussed. Facebook Australia’s Small Business Manager, Nick Bowditch spoke about using the viral nature of Facebook to benefit business. Including growing audience’s engagement and brand recognition. My tip for Clients, both existing and new is – If your business can’t be found on Social Media, your competitors who are engaging social media, will be winning the new clients and potentially attracting clients from your business!
Pam Brossman, best-selling author and publisher of the first online magazine, shared her experiences in digital marketing, including ideas in promoting businesses to stand out from their competitors. US based Virtual Assistant, Donna Toothaker, covered the important topic of moving to a Value Based Business. BE Institute’s Christine McKee, shared valuable insights into empowering yourself in every moment and opportunity to achieve awesome results.
I have many pages of notes from the conference which I am still reviewing for to benefit my own business but also for my current Clients. The learning continues well after the last farewell was said at the conclusion of the conference. As an attendee of the event, I also received a $6000 grant to receive 12 months membership to the business coaching Time Retriever Academy.
So if you could use the expert services of a Virtual Assistant for your business needs reach out to learn more.
by Sam Spence – Founder & Principal Executive Assistant, Executive Virtual Associate.
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